Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Joy Beyond Measure

God wants us to be happy. He's not one of those wrathful gods of mythology who only cares if you sacrifice to him. No, the God I serve, the God of Elijah, He is good. He wants our lives to be filled with life, light, joy, and grace.

In these past days, I've been marveling at the grace and joy of God.
Sometimes I'll be just sitting there and I'll just start laughing, just because God is funny and also because I have reason to laugh. =)
God is so good and we can't brush that aside.
I'm in complete awe of Him and his love toward us.

Nehemiah 8:10b
"Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

When I'm sad and distressed I can turn to God in prayer, worship, or reading in His Word, and I can except the joy that He offers.

Life is so much better if you live it in joy.
Let go of your sorrow. let go of your pride.
Let go and give yourself to the Lord.

Choose the joy of the Lord.
Choose the strength found in Him.
Choose to live in the Lord.

My life has changed beyond measure since I chose these things.
I urge you choose these things as well.
Answer the call on your life.
It's time to rise.

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