Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The After Party

As Christians we hear the words "relationship" and "fellowship" all the time. But something we hear a lot less is the word "mutuality." What that means is, as the words says, its mutual.
Which means that not only is God to love us (as He does and always has done) but we also love Him. The love and the efforts are shared and are not one way.

1 John 4:19
We love Him, because He first loved us.

God loved us before we ever existed, but now that we do exist, we need to love Him. As Christians loving God is not an maybe. You have to love Him. Which means you have to be able to love Him.

Church tonight was amazing. The worship was crazy and the sermon was phenomenal. But after church we (as in youth leaders/church leaders and some youth) prayed over camp.
We prayed over the leaders, the youth, the environment. It was truly amazing.
It's one of the few times that I can say I had more fun after church.

Tomorrow is camp for our youth group. I'm totally psyched for what God is going to do there.
God is so good!
I can't post for a few days, being at camp at all, but I'm sure there will be a lot to say when I get back.

I'm so excited for what God is doing in these days and I can't wait to see Him continue and finish the amazing work He started.
Praise be to the Lamb!

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