Sunday, August 3, 2014

we dont see Each other anymore

all we see is how many Packs you smoke
how many people youve slept with
what your doctor told you Was fact
what your broken heart told you was true

the real Individual has been replaced
with a ghost comprised of the condition
a wraith created By the problem

the pain the sorrow the torture
all Become our defense mechanism
to keep out the pain the sorrow the torture

i see a standin a fake no more you no more reality no more no more

were not blind we Just dont choose to see
were not broken we Just let go of our wholeness

we dont Have the strength to get the strength to get the strength

our scream reverberates In our ears
the first cry doesnt stop because its the last cry

and Again
we miss each other we run right past them
and even forget to glance back

and all they get At the end of the day is
i miss you
because we dont know how To give anything more

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