Friday, April 18, 2014

Pouring out, spilling over
To drown me
to swallow me

Slits on my wrists, slits on yours
Flooding out
again again again

Draining more than you know
Letting go more than you want
i can’t stop it

If you help me, then you bleed
If you’re fixed, then I bleed
over and over and over

What to stop the rush
What to bring the calm
to breed more than a corpse

My veins run dry
Yours run out
of what we need

Cannot stand to see this anymore
no more please

Someone who won’t die when I touch them
who won’t run out

Blood that won’t spill vainly as mine
Some to help us
to mend

Hold my tears
Feel my scars
i don’t want to be alone

i want you to help me
but I’m scared
please help my unbelief

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