The Human Condition.
This term is used by theoretical physicists and psychologists alike in the attempt to describe, to quantify, to categorize the actions and ideas of humanity.
They take long strides in the effort to explain what exactly we are.
How we think, why we do what we do, the very nature and core of us.
Because, no matter what any Atheistic Evolutionist tells you, we are different then all the other creatures and beings in our entire galaxy. Unlike the rest of the creations across the vast expanse of this reality, we are more than just flesh. There is more to us then simply the physical or mental.
And, many wise and educated men spend their lives trying to mark down and explain this phenomenon, this extraordinary fact that exists inside humans.
And so, men unknowingly try to comprehend the spirit using the tools of the mental and cognitive mind.
This would be the point where I would go off on a long raving rant about how one can only come and communicate to God through spirit.
And, that's all true, but I want to touch on a different matter right now and actually dig into what humanity really is as an entity.
For most of my life I thought that in order to get to God I had to put away humanity entirely and step into something else.
Now, it is true that we become something new when we come to the Lord, but I no longer believe that we are supposed to leave our humanity behind.
Instead we are to ascribe to a different definition of humanity.
Before Adam sinned and brought upon all of his descendants the nature of sin, he was a different type of human. One without sin. And fashioned in the likeness of God.
Because God is perfection, what is fashion to be like Him is thus perfect as well.
When we are born into this world, we are born with sin and lack that perfection.
But, I believe that when we come to the Lord, we do not lose our humanity, but instead take on what it truly means to be human.
What we lose is the sinful nature. We take on the nature of the Lord instead.
And Jesus would be the example of the perfect human. (100% God, 100% man)
So all of these wise men of science have a misconception.
They are viewing the nature of what it means to be human from the wrong side of the cross.
For, when you accept Jesus into your life, you truly become human.
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