The ones that you pull out every other blue moon?
Well, there is something very special about those.
Here's a picture of my Great-Grandmother.
This picture tells a story, as all photos do.
These memories are glimpses from the past telling us of the future.
How? Well, your photos are still developing, but one day, if you're lucky, a great-grandson or grand daughter of yours will pick up an old photo. And, that picture will be part of the story of your life.
A story is passed on from generation to generation. And we, a community of people, humans, each with their own tales, are all woven together under the banner of our one single nature. Some might call this the human condition or dilemma, maybe our human nature. And, many religions try to comprehend, reveal, or quantify what we are and why we are what we are.
Really, we are impossibilities. Seeking impossibilities, relying on them, discovering them. But, through the mix and mire of our emotional state, there is a beautiful story told. That of a race of people, who are always wondering, always seeking, always hoping, always falling.
One life may be considered insignificant. Yours might when you compare it to the mass of our whole history, but the fact is, without you, with any of us, the picture would not be the same.
So, weave it together. History, people, time, take all that we've done, all we are, bring it in unison into one thing. It's something.
But, that just our story. The human race. The little species that could.
There are far greater stories than ours. Far longer legacies than the one left here on our planet.
Even so, it's our lives to live, and our history to shape.
Sit down, grab a quilt and a cup of tea or hot cocoa.
Think about your life. What does being human mean to you?
An intro for "Who We Are." (